Site Usage

From TeachingOpenSource

TeachingOpenSource exists to support instructors and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community members who want to support student involvement in FOSS projects.

The content of the TeachingOpenSource wiki, planet, and mailing list (‘site’) is controlled by the users, and the administrator of this system assumes no responsibility for this content. Offensive and off-topic material may be removed at the discretion of the site users or the administrator, but copies of such material may be maintained in the page history and mailing list archive.

The TeachingOpenSource site is operated as a free service, and no warranty is made to the accuracy or usefulness of the information presented here, the availability and reliability of the systems, software, and communications networks which power the site, or the future availability of the site and the information contained therein.

Copyright for the site content is held by the authors. In general, this means the TOS Coordinating Committee for the general material on the site, and the authors for all contributed content including learning activities.

Unless otherwise stated, all content and materials posted on the site are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

In order to remove barriers to collaboration, TeachingOpenSource is a separate organization and not an initiative of any one Open Source project, community, company, or other institution.